hey all!! how's life been treating you? how have you been treating life? life and i have wrestled a bit in the last couple of weeks...but that's a good thing...it has made me be decisive and make some important decisions. so i thought i would take a brief moment and let you all know what is going on...
well, yesterday was my last workig day here at dickson valley camp. part af me is sad to be done...but i know that it is just time to move on. to what you might be asking...good question...in a week i will start training at a local coffee shop that will be officially opening up march 12th. bebe's coffee house...all must come and visit if you can...the joint is looking great and will be quite the hang out :) i am excited for the change of pace...for a long while i had been thinking about how fun it would be to work in a coffee shop and now here is my chance...don't get me wrong, my heart is still geared towards camping ministry...i am just at a crossroads and don't know where to go with it right now...so i am looking at these next couple of months as a sabatical...time to recharge and refocus...so as to be prepared for whatever God will call me to next. i am aso praying that during this time God and i can reconnect on an intimate level...i'll be honest...i've been worn out these last couple of months and He has been getting my bare minimum...i know it's true and i'm not going to lie...
so today is the big moving day! i will be moving out of my apt. here at camp and will be moving back home for awhile. tomorrow i get to take a trip to oregon - i've never been there before - and visit tiffiny my old room mate from timber-lee...then when i come back i jump into a new schedule and atmoshpere...
please pray with me during this transitional time...also pray that during this time at the coffee shop i will be able to reach out to people that don't know the Lord...that God will provide me with many opportunities to love on and build relationships with many different people coming and going from this shop. thank you :) love you all!!!
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