so summer is long gone...and fall is well on its way...and before we know it...it will be winter...crazy! Does anyone else think that time moves faster the older you get? well, time might be speeding along...but my blog seems to ease ever so slowly into the present day...sorry about that...i think that part of me is still trying to catch up from the fast and crazy...but great summer...by now i should be close...it is mid-october and all...seriously :)
since my last post i have been readjusting to "normal" life...i guess...is life really ever normal??? (i'm starting to think no) anyways, here at camp april (my room mate) and i have been getting heaps accomplished around camp...we have been able to fix and improve on some of our activities and lodges...it is exciting to look around and see all that has been done in just a couple months...and even more exciting to envision what we can accomplish over the next 7 months before next summer. i would say that in the realm of camp things are going spendidly...
i however, have been a bit antsy lately...not too sure why...i guess i have a lot going on in my head right now...but then again what else is new?!? i would love prayer through this time of discontentment...thanks...
on a happier note...God has granted me with a few different opportunities to brush off some old skills and serve... i have had the opportunity to work for kendall county outdoor education center as a teambuilding facilitator and help run my church's high school fall retreat. it was soooo much fun...and watching God work through the teens was great! i forgot how much i enjoyed doing these things...i think i would really live to do them full time...if God would so choose...one day maybe...
God is letting me continue to grow in relationships with the groups that come out here to camp...the groups that come over and over agian...it is neat to see how they have changed over the last year...i love getting to know each group and spending time with them...again all those 'cultures' are great...it keeps me on my toes and keeps me thinking...God is also letting me serve in both the junior and senior high youth groups at church. God is stretching me while working with the junior high...for He has me leading music for the junior high group...meaning i am trying to play the guitar and sing and lead...something i am not too confident in...but God is guiding me through...and i am learning...for the first time i did a solo with my guitar and a song i learned from new zealand...it was over the fall retreat...did i mention i got really sick for a little over a week and went in and out with my voice...yet God blessed me with a voice when i needed it...and it went fairly well...i only screeched a little bit :)
i also just started reading messy spirituality by michel yacconeli (sp?)...the book is about christian facades and what we define as spirituality and what spirituality might 'really' look like if we were being real with one another...instead of pretending that everything is fine. it is not easy being real...being real means being vulnerable...being vulnerable means one might get hurt...or that one might not be accepted...but we are called to be real...to be vulnerable...God loves us each as we are right now! He loved us before we even knew Him...and think of who we were then...so why do we find it neccesary to achieve perfection now...to hide what is really going on in our lives from each other...and sometimes even Him. sometimes i wonder if anyone truely understands the power of the body of Christ...i know i don't...but i am learning that there are amazing blessings and power in this body...if only we could...if i could learn how to use it...i'll let you know how the book turns out...
well i should run now...it is friday night and we have two groups coming in shortly...and i am hosting this weekend :) hope you all have a wonderful weekend! more to come soon...