Well it is Sunday afternoon...I am waiting for the group on grounds to go home, (not that I am pushing them out or anything) So while I wait, I decided to try out this whole blog thing. This would be the second time I have tried something like this...i didn't keep up with the last one (my bad) but maybe I can do it this time...do you have faith in me? Anyways, like I said...it is pretty quite around here. As most people would be desperately trying to get the most out of their last day off before jumping into the new week...I am just winding down from mine. Actually, if I remember correctly tomorrow is a holiday...so I guess most people have one more day of relaxing and/or accomplishing tasks around the house. Either way, tomorrow is my day of comotose. I am always exhuasted after a weekend of hosting. Exhuasted in a good way though.
This weekend we had 2 groups on grounds. One was a college group and the other was a high school group. It has been absolutely figid this weekend. The coldest it has been all winter. The only upside to this is the snow we made earlier this week is not going to go anywhere. It is kinda funny to look around outside and see all brown and gloom until your eyes come upon the tube hill...then you are struck by white!! I am not a fan of the cold...but I DO love the snow...ecspecially when it sticks to the trees :)
Oh, well...it will be spring before we know it :) By the way...if you are looking for something to do...and you like movies...i highly recomend Hoodwinked!! I just saw it last Wednesday...very clever. My favorite character had to be the squirl...watch it and you'll understand why :) Well I should sing off for now...Have a SPECTACULAR day! :P
~ random thought~
"Are we daring enough to be different, humble enough to make mistakes, wild enough to be burnt in the fire of love, real enough to make others see how phony we really are?"
~Brennan Manning~
Ragamuffin Gospel