...waiting...what exactly does this word mean...well according to the merrian-webster concise school and office dictionary, to wait is to "remain inactive in readiness or expectation." to remain inactive...well there is something i am not particularly good at...me be still?!? that is one discipline i am still working on. what exactly would one be waiting in expectation for...well for those few faithful bloggers, one might be waiting for the day i actually update my post...some may be waiting for mr./mrs. right to come falling out of the sky...some might be waiting for God to open up the sky and strike you with lightening to hear what God's next step is for my life...a rare few might be waiting for school to start...and then there is me...waiting for this group to come upstairs for a hayride and camp fire an hour and a half over due...so i wait...
what exactly is one to
do when one waits...well sometimes one must be still...sometimes one can pick up new tricks, like twiddling one's thumbs in various ways...one must always be patient...oh, that's a hard one too...one can read a book...catch up on e-mails...post a blog long over due...etc.
...still waiting...a discipline...God calls us to wait in life more times then i particularly care for (i'll be honest)...but HE knows best...His timing is perfect, always and forever...so what will i do...i will wait...i will wait on the Lord for He is my stregnth...i will wait for mr. right...i will wait for the group to be ready for their activities...i will be patient...and will take up as many new tricks of the trade/little hobbies as necessary to keep myself from going too crazy...as i wait in expectation of what is to come :)