Wednesday, September 23, 2009
where do you hide?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rt. 4

As we arrived in Texas...we managed to find the "first/last motel" in Texas...not much to look at know I couldn't help the saddenss I felt as we drove through all of these deserted little towns...what this must of been like back in the day...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Rt. 3...detour

After the Grand Cayon we made our way bk onto Rt. 66 and found probably one of the greatest motels you could ever stay in...who wouldn't want to stay in a teepee...

And I tamed it...I ain't afraid of no rascally jackrabbit
So...I hiked around the Grand Cayon...visited the indians...tamed a wild beast...and then paid an expensive toll to see a forest, that's not so much a forest really...but it was still beautiful and well worth the time and you will see a few pictures from the petrified forest and painted desert...enjoy:

Day 3 was a beautiful day!! Too beautiful to put into words...I hope the few pictures I picked out gives you a glimmer of our day yesterday...keep watching the blog...I will post today's events tomorrow...I'm super tired tonight...we drove from Alburuerque, New Mexico to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma today and tomorrow we will be heading to Southern Illinois with more great sites to see. Night :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rt. 2

Ready to see some of the things I saw along the way from Arcadia to Kingman? Too late...I'm going to show you whether you like it or not:

That's just a bit of what I saw today...can't wait for tomorrow!!!
Rt. we go...

It was officially 6pm when we started driving on Rt. 66...We drove through Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and Arcadia...4 hours and a stop @ the cheescake factory later we decided to get a hotel and call it quits for the night. I wasn't quite expecting the stop and go and hidden paths of Rt. 66. I was a bit frustrated with the lack of preperation and navigation and signage at the start of the trip...there were deffinately some points we were literally driving around in circles. I saw more of downtown LA than I ever expected to...but at least I get to say that I saw Rodeo Drive and Sunset Blvd. Today we will be making our way to Arizona...Let's see what surprises Rt. 66 holds for us...
Saturday, May 02, 2009
broken hearts unite
yet we don't always get the answers...but you surround us with people who have felt the same pain...the same questions...the same provide comfort in through those people. people who can come up beside you, put their arm around you and tell you: " i know what it feels like i don't understand either, but i'm here for you."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
familiar yet foreign
is it me? or is it the furniture? what's changed? i just can't figure it almost feels like i'm in the twilight know where everything looks the same on the outside...but something is drastically wrong...its not home.
i feel anxious and concerned...i know how to dress the part...but i don't know what to expect.
how can something so familiar be so foreign? how can something that felt so much like home feel more like an abandoned warehouse? i just don't understand what has happened...i just don't know what to do...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
i wish i could wish away tomorrow...i wish tomorrw didn't have to happen...i'm not ready for tomorrow...
tomorrow reality hits...tomorrow i have to face what i have been avoiding all week...tomorrow i have to say goodbye...
tomorrow is my cousin's funeral...he was 17 years old...and about week ago he decided to take his own life...
tomorrow makes my worst fears and nightmares more real...tomorrow brings so much pain and sorrow...
my heart aches for the people i will encounter tomorrow...tomorrwo i am not the only one hurting...tomorrow i am not the only one searching
tomorrow there will be no answers...tomorrow there is no promise of understanding...tomorrow just is, tomorrow...
i dread facing the realities of tomorrow...i don't know how to deal with tomorrow...i don't know how to heal from tomorrow...
tomorrow is a day i wish would never be...i wish i could live without tomorrow...i wish i could wish tomorrow away...